Friday, April 29, 2011

The Rise of Pangaea, Turn 1

A splash of harpy droppings landed on the old god's driveway.  Cursing, the Cranky Old Man looked up at the offending bird woman and narrowed his gaze.  A beam of power erupted from him and engulfed the flying creature, and when the light faded, she was transformed.  Her dark feathers had become the color of night, and all those who saw her knew that she'd been given a fraction of his might to use in his name.

"My...My god," she exclaimed.

He smirked, "Exactly."

She dropped from the sky and landed at his feet, "My lord, all that I am is yours.  Command me, and I shall move heaven and earth to do thy bidding.  I will proclaim your divinity to all, even to the gods themselves!  What is thy will, oh great one?"

The old man pointed at the droppings.  "Clean that shit up."

As Lilli pointed out in her Turn 1 post, there's not a lot of variation in an experienced player's first turn.  Either you expand if you have the troops or SC Pretender for it, or you sit back.  If you sit, you either prophetize your scout or send it off, well, scouting while hiring the unit you do want as your prophet.  In this case having a stealthy flyer as my prophet can be very handy, so I'm perfectly happy to make my starting harpy my prophet. 

The other thing you do if you're sitting is raise your taxes and get your troops patrolling to handle the unrest that a tax rate of more than 100% causes.  In my case I jump my taxes up to 200% with the thought that I'll be able to patrol the huge unrest from that down in a couple of turns, but its worth it because I need Pans on the board, and I need 'em quick.  Pans are great, but they cost, so I'm going to risk high taxes to buy 'em.

Which is a long way to say that my first turn was almost identical to that of most of my competitors.

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